It is a food experience installation around Covid19. The design started thinking about the most popular food in the kitchen of every country around the world, during the first lockdown: bread. Everyone was kneading and baking, probably looking for some kind of physical relation that was missing out at that moment. Breath and Butter wants to re-create this connection with bread, and use it to unlock the emotions related to the pandemic. The final purpose is to re-find the relations with food firstly, with yourself and your thoughts, and with other people finally.
The experience brings you into a journey of feelings through the use of the five senses: hearing as first, touch, smell and taste later. In order to create a more immersive atmosphere the sight is the last one to be used.
The journey begins with the most uncomfortable emotion; then, passing through your own thoughts, thanks also to the connection with the simulation of the activity of baking bread, it starts to change. The experience continues with a gradual reintroduction in the society, and brings you back to the reality with a new awareness of yourself in relation with the world, and your emotions.
Project designed in collaboration with Isabel Regehr and Eleonora Sforzi.